How do I change the IP address of my LAN?
How do I change the IP address of my LAN? 1 Connect to the Web UI To access the Web UI, please refer to the process below: How do I access the Web UI? 2 Disconnect the Internet On the Home page, click the Connect status toggle to deactivate the Internet Connection. It is not […]
How do I connect my LEAP NEVE to the Internet.
How do I use my IPTV?
How do I use my IPTV? If you have an IPTV subscription, you simply need to download the app of your IPTV service provider from the Google Play Store.Then, you must enter your credentials to access the content.
LEAP S3+ V2 User Manual
Configuring your receiver
Configuring your receiver
How do I update my device?
How do I update my device? 1 Turn on the TV and the device Turn on your TV and your device. 2 Settings Browse to the settings on the home page of your device. 3 System In the Settings Menu, select System and press OK. 4 About Select About in the system menu and press […]
Configuring your receiver
Configuring your receiver
How do I connect the LEAP NEVE to my TV?
How do I connect the LEAP NEVE to my TV? Plug the device in the HDMI port of your TV (1), then plug the power cable on the device(2).
How do I reboot my device?
How do I reboot my device? 1 Disconnect the LEAP NEVE from your TV Disconnect the HDMI Stick from the TV (1) and the USB cable from the LEAP NEVE(2). 2 Connect the LEAP NEVE to your TV Reconnect the HDMI stick to the TV (1) and the USB cable (2).
How do I reset my device to its factory settings, (reset button)
How do I reset my device to its factory settings? (reset button) Press the reset button for 10 seconds.