Home LEAP S3+ User Manual Category ArticlesHow do I access the Internet with Leap S3?How do I add or reorder an application in the Home screen?How do I reconfigure the volume settings of my LEAP S3 when my volume level is too low?How do I reset the LEAP S3 to its factory settings ?How do I use my IPTV?How to delete an application ?I don't have a 4K (UHD) image, even though the content is broadcasted at this resolution. What can I do?I have connected an AZERTY keyboard via USB but it is recognized as a QWERTY keyboard, why?The remote control does not work after checking the batteries, why?What are the special features of the Leap S3 USB port?Why are some applications unavailable in the Google Play Store?Why can't I get Dolby sound from the Spdif optical digital audio output?Why I cannot find the Google Play Store on the home page?Why is it still impossible to control the volume level after deactivating the volume control option? PrevPreviousLEAP S1 NextSRT 41Next