How to choose the right high security level configuration for your powerline network?
When setting up your powerline network, you can choose between two different high security configurations: High Security Level 1 and High Security Level 2.
• High Security Level 1 is the high security level that is natively implemented in our powerlineproducts. The devices of your powerline network are protected by a default encryption keythat is set up during the manufacturing of the product. This level provides a high security levelthat is suitable for consumer usage of the product. All our powerline products share the samedefault encryption key which enables you to use your powerline network right after pluggingyour devices. And you can also add new powerline devices to your existing STRONG networkat any time and without any required configuration.
With High Security Level 1, your powerline network is already highly protected which ensuresthat even your neighbour cannot use your connection. How is that possible? To connect toyour powerline network, someone must be directly in your flat or in your house. Yourpowerline network is more secured than any Wi-Fi network as it only uses your existingelectrical wires which completely limits the radiation and the chances to hack your network.
Even if your neighbour is also equipped with the same powerline devices that have the samedefault encryption key, there is not even a slim chance for them to access your network dueto all the signal losses encountered between the two flats/houses. Indeed, the signal must gothrough the two electrical meters (yours and your neighbour’s) which causes a loss of 20 dBon each side.
• High Security Level 2: Offers you an enhanced security experience by pairing your devices andgenerating a new unique encryption key for your powerline network. That is why, it is theperfect solution to comply with high security requirements when working from home. This security level is amazingly easy to configure on your STRONG powerline products as you just need to press the pairing button on each device for 2 seconds one after the other after installing all your devices. Please make sure that the RJ45 Ethernet connection is working on each device that you want to pair to avoid that your powerline devices switch to standby mode. Moreover, your devices not only use one of two high security levels defined above, but their communication is also highly secured by the 128-BIT AES data encryption. In other words, if you want a high performant, stable and reliable network, you can use our powerline products with their high security levels. The only decision you must make is if you will go with High Security Level 1 or configure High Security Level 2, which is up to you!