Ako nakonfigurovať sieť Wi-Fi powerline s vysokou úrovňou zabezpečenia 1? 

How to configure your powerline Wi-Fi network with High Security Level 1? High Security level 1 is the default high security configuration level implemented on all our powerline products. You just have to plug your powerline devices and this high security configuration will be automatically implemented. Plug & Play. No action is required on the […]

Najjednoduchšie riešenie pre vaše IPTV pripojenie! 

The easiest solution for your IPTV connection! Connect your modem to your IPTV decoder with high video quality without running cables! Your modem and your IPTV decoder are not in the same room? It is not an issue. No need to run cables! The Powerline 1000 Duo Wi-Fi Mini is the perfect solution. Connect a Powerline 1000 Mini adapter […]

Internet všade z akejkoľvek elektrickej zásuvky! 

Internet everywhere from any power socket! The Powerline 1000 Duo Wi-Fi Mini which includes a powerline 1000 Mini adapter and a powerline Mini Wi-Fi adapter, creates a high-speed home network effortlessly by using your home’s existing electrical wiring at speeds up to 1000 Mbps. No new wire is required! Connect computers, consumer electronics and network compatible devices […]