Ako nakonfigurovať nové produkty powerline s vysokou úrovňou zabezpečenia 2 na vašej existujúcej sieti Wi-Fi powerline?
How to configure new powerline products with High Security Level 2 on your existing powerline Wi-Fi network? Please note that if you want to add more than one new powerline product, each product must be configured one after the other by following the same process. And not simultaneously. Typically, powerline adapters are paired by sets […]
Ako nastaviť vysokú úroveň zabezpečenia 2 na vašich produktoch powerline Wi-Fi?
How to set up High Security Level 2 on your powerline products? 1 Put the adapters on a power strip Take a power strip and plug all the powerline adapters on it. 2 Connect the adapters to the Internet Connect one of the CPL adapters to the internet gateway/router with a RJ45 cable. […]
Ako pridať nový STRONG powerline produkt do vašej existujúcej powerline Wi-Fi siete s vysokou úrovňou zabezpečenia 1?
How to add a new strong powerline product to your existing powerline Wi-Fi network with High Security Level 1? As your existing network has been set with the High Security Level 1 configuration, adding a product is simply Plug & Play. No action is required on the product. Just plug in the new powerline product […]
Ako nakonfigurovať sieť Wi-Fi powerline s vysokou úrovňou zabezpečenia 1?
How to configure your powerline Wi-Fi network with High Security Level 1? High Security level 1 is the default high security configuration level implemented on all our powerline products. You just have to plug your powerline devices and this high security configuration will be automatically implemented. Plug & Play. No action is required on the […]
Ako si vybrať správnu konfiguráciu vysokej úrovne zabezpečenia pre vašu sieť powerline?
How to choose the right high security level configuration for your powerline network When setting up your powerline network, you can choose between two different high security configurations: High Security Level 1 and High Security Level 2. High Security Level 1 is the high security level that is natively implemented in our powerline products. The […]
Môžem vypnúť funkciu Wi-Fi modulu Wi-Fi, aby fungoval ako jednoduchá sieť Powerline?
Can I disable the Wi-Fi function of the Wi-Fi module so that it works as a simple Powerline? 1 Connect to the Wi-Fi of the adapter Connect to the Wi-Fi of the Powerline. 2 Browse to the Web UI IP Address Connect to the user interface of the Powerline Wi-Fi module via Wi-Fi or […]
Rozšírte svoju sieť Powerline do ktorejkoľvek miestnosti vášho domova pridaním adaptérov Powerline 1000!
Expand your Powerline network to any room of your home by adding Powerline 1000 adapters! Congrats! You managed to install your Powerline 1000 Duo Wi-Fi Mini. Now, you want to extend your network to other parts of your home to connect even more devices to your network. Just add a new Powerline 1000 Mini adapter […]
Najjednoduchšie riešenie pre vaše IPTV pripojenie!
The easiest solution for your IPTV connection! Connect your modem to your IPTV decoder with high video quality without running cables! Your modem and your IPTV decoder are not in the same room? It is not an issue. No need to run cables! The Powerline 1000 Duo Wi-Fi Mini is the perfect solution. Connect a Powerline 1000 Mini adapter […]
Internet všade z akejkoľvek elektrickej zásuvky!
Internet everywhere from any power socket! The Powerline 1000 Duo Wi-Fi Mini which includes a powerline 1000 Mini adapter and a powerline Mini Wi-Fi adapter, creates a high-speed home network effortlessly by using your home’s existing electrical wiring at speeds up to 1000 Mbps. No new wire is required! Connect computers, consumer electronics and network compatible devices […]
Môžem k svojej sieti pripojiť siete Powerline rôznych značiek a prenosových rýchlostí?
Can I connect Powerlines of different brands and data rates to my network? It is possible to connect powerlines with different data rates and brands as our devices use the HomePlug AV2/AV standard which makes any device compatible no matter the brand or data rates. For instance, you can connect a powerline 1000 Mini with […]