What can I do in the Web UI?
What can I do in the Web UI? The Web UI is divided into 5 sections, for more information see: System Status: where you can see the list of connected devices (Devices), the informationof the host network (Host Network), the 2.4G Wireless network (Wireless 2.4G), the 5GWireless network (Wireless 5G), and the LAN Network (LAN). […]
How do I configure my repeater as an access point ?
How do I configure my repeater as an access point ? 1 Connect to the Web UI Follow one of the procedures below to connect to the Web UI: How do I connect to the Web UI of the repeater? (RJ45 Cable) How do I connect to the Web UI of the repeater? (Wi-Fi) […]
How do I reboot my repeater?
How do I reboot my repeater? 1 Connect to the Web UI Connect to the Web UI by following this procedure. 2 Reboot Click Advanced Settings and Reboot. 3 Pop up message Click OK.
What are the new Wi-Fi Networks information after the configuration?
What are the new Wi-Fi Networks information after the configuration? Once the configuration is finished, you will see the following screen: The name of the new Wi-Fi networks and their information are written.
How do I set up a new administration password?
How do I set up a new administration password? 1 Connect to the Web UI Connect to the Web UI by following this procedure. 2 Admin Account Click Advanced Settings and Admin Account. 3 Create the new password Enter the following information before clicking Save & Apply: Old Password: Enter the default administration password (admin). […]
What are the credentials to connect to the Web UI?
What are the credentials to connect to the Web UI? To connect to the Web UI, you only have to enter the administration password. The default administration password is admin.
Which Wi-Fi frequencies (bands) does the repeater provide?
Which Wi-Fi frequencies (bands) does the repeater provide? The repeater is dual-band which means that it uses the 2.4G and 5G bands. In other words, after theconfiguration, the repeater will create two Wi-Fi networks.
Will the MAC address-filtering settings configured on my modem/router be effective if I use the repeater to extend the Wi-Fi network of my modem/router?
Will the MAC address-filtering settings configured on my modem/router be effective if I use the repeater to extend the Wi-Fi network of my modem/router? No. Wi-Fi devices that are connected to the repeater communicate to your modem/router byusing the MAC addresses of the repeater.
How do I set a static IP for my repeater?
How do I set a static IP for my repeater? 1 Connect to the Web UI Follow this procedure to connect to the Web UI. 2 System Status In the System Status screen, click the more details button in the LAN Section. 3 Static IP Click Settings and the Static Address toggle. Then, Enter the […]
How do I update the firmware of my repeater?
How do I update the firmware of my repeater? 1 Browse to the download section on https://www.strong-eu.com/ Before the update, you must go to the download section of our website to see if there is a new software version available. 2 Download To access the downloads, Click Assistance and Download in the top bar and […]