I cannot access the internet after configuring my Mesh network,why?
I cannot access the internet after configuring my Mesh network, why? There are several reasons why you cannot access internet after configuring your Mesh Network: The RJ45 cable is not properly connected to the internet box or the main Mesh or in the wrong port. The internet connexion from the internet box is not working […]
How do I reset my Mesh units to the factory settings?
How do I reset my Mesh units to the factory settings? 1 CASE 1 : Reset Button To reset your device to its factory settings, please press the reset button with a paper clip for at least 10 seconds. 2 LED when reset done Then, you must wait for the LED to turn off and […]
How do I use the WPS function?
How do I use the WPS function? It is very easy to activate the WPS on your router. 1 WPS button To do so, press the WPS button for 4 seconds on the Mesh unit that is connected to your router/modem by RJ45. 2 Wi-Fi devices list Now go the the Network selection of your […]
How do I update the firmware of the Mesh unit?
How do I update the firmware of the Mesh unit? To update the software of the mesh unit, you must be connected to the web UI.
How can I access the Web UI of the different Mesh units?
How can I access the Web UI of the different Mesh units? 1 Connexion to the Wi-Fi To do so, enter the SSID (Wi-Fi Network Name) and Wi-Fi password of the router in your device: 2 IP address of the Web UI on the browser Then, enter the following IP address in your browser: […]
I cannot access the Web UI, why?
I cannot access the Web UI, why? There are several reasons why you cannot access the Web UI : The main Mesh unit is not connected to the Ethernet Network of your internet box via a RJ45 cable. Your device is not connect the Wi-Fi network of the mesh unit. You are not entering the […]
Where can I find the credentials to access the Web UI?
Where can I find the credentials to access the Web UI? 1 Credentials The credentials to access the Web UI are located under your Mesh AX3000. By default the Username and Password for the Web UI are “admin“. To connect to the Web UI and change the administration password, please refer to : How do […]
What can I do in the Web UI?
What can I do in the Web UI? 1 Web UI The Web UI is divided into 6 sections: Status: Where you can find all the informations about the Mesh device and Network. Network: where you can configure the WAN, the LAN settings (IPv4 / IPv6) and set up a Speed Limit. WLAN: where you […]
How do I change the SSID ( Wi-Fi Network name) and the password of my Wi-Fi mesh network ?
How do I change the SSID ( Wi-Fi Network name) and the password of my Wi-Fi mesh network ?
I forgot the Wi-Fi password of my Mesh network, how I can find it?
I forgot the Wi-Fi password of my Mesh network, how I can find it? 1 Default credentials The default Wi-Fi password is located under your device, however, if you already changed it, you may need to restore the Mesh 2100 to its default factory settings. CASE 1 : Viewing the Wi-Fi network information in the […]