How do I edit the DHCP DNS information?

How do I edit the DHCP DNS information? 1 Access the Web UI Please refer to the following procedure to access the Web UI. 2 Device Settings In the top bar, click Device Settings and Advanced Settings. 3 DHCP Click DHCP. Then, change the DNS IP Address before clicking Apply.

Why is there a QR Code on the rear side of the router?

Why is there a QR Code on the rear side of the router? Good news, every router is sold with a sticker that contains the Wi-Fi network information such as the Wi-Fi name and its password. You may have noticed a QR Code next to it. This QR Code is designed to simplify your connection […]

How do I activate the WPS?

How do I activate the WPS? It is very easy to activate the WPS on your router.To do so, simply press the WPS button located on the rear side of the device.Once the WPS is activated the arrows will blink in blue.  

How do I reset my router to its factory settings? (Web UI)

How do I reset my router to its factory settings? (Web UI) Sometimes, it is possible that your device is not working properly and that you don’t have internet access. In this case, we suggest resetting your device to its factory settings and updating its firmware again afterwards if necessary.You have two ways to do […]

How do I reset my router to its factory settings? (Reset Button)

How do I reset my router to its factory settings? (Reset Button) Sometimes, it is possible that your device is not working properly and that you don’t have internet access. In this case, we suggest resetting your device to its factory settings and updating its firmware again afterwards if necessary.You have two ways to do […]

How do I change the admin password and username?

How do I change the admin password and username? To connect to the Web UI, please follow the guidelines written in: How do I access the Web UI?.   1 System Setting Once this is done, click the System Settings tab and select System Setting. Then, click Modify Password.    2 Second Step Enter the […]